Celebrating International Women' s Day


The annual "March 8th" International Women's Day is coming again quietly,

In order to make female workers feel the care of Pengxiang's "big family" and create a harmonious and happy holiday atmosphere,

The company organized interesting activities such as sending cakes and blessings.

In different positions of Pengxiang, they have played various roles. They are not only the elites of the company,

She is also a good wife and mother in the family.

As a front-line employee of the company,

It's also a little baby in my mother's eyes,

They were in their respective positions silently

Contribute your own strength.

In spring, flowers are blooming

Poetic season

In this exclusive female festival

Pengxiang sends you a dessert and holiday blessing

Thank you for your contribution to the development of the company and society in ordinary positions.

Pengxiang's workplace has not only work, but also love and warmth,

I believe that in such a big family with love,

At the same time, there are also a group of friends who have ideals and will to fight,

May all the female partners of Pengxiang be themselves,

Neither humble nor supercilious

No hurry

And have their own small fortune

To be your own sun, you don't need to rely on anyone's light.

artificial terrazzo

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